Mobius Strip This is a mobius strip with a couple of special attributes. It has been stretched so that 1) Its single edge forms a perfect circle. 2) Its surface lies on the surface of a hypersphere. Once you've built one of these, you easily can glue the edges of two of them to make a Klein Bottle. (See the Klein Bottle files.) This particular strip was made from a grid that was 16 squares long and 4 squares wide. It was mapped onto a hypersphere with the formula: Given a rectangular patch [a,b] where 0°≤a≤360°, and 0°≤b≤90°, map [a,b] onto [x,y,z,t] with: x = cos(a) cos(b) y = sin(a) cos(b) z = cos(2a) sin(b) t = sin(2a) sin(b) The edge of the Mobius strip is where b=0, in the xy plane.